As a rule, when hiring candidates, companies do not demand a letter of motivation, but it can be an effective way of completing one’s CV. In the condition of fierce competition for your dream job or for scholarship at a prestigious university, you have to do all you can to ensure that your candidateship will impress the committee. Writing a motivation letter is the best way to add individuality and character to your application form and make the addressee relate to you in some way. You have no idea how to write it? Our motivation letter writing service will give you a hand with this responsible task, composing an inspiring and strong letter that will facilitate your successful admission. In case you know how to write a motivation letter, our tips provided further will be useful for you.
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Important Aspects of Motivation Letter Writing
While composing a motivation letter for scholarship or a study abroad application essay, make sure to follow the rules below.
- Your motivation letter should include new information, which is different from the one provided in the CV. There is no need to duplicate the facts and qualities you described before: the committee will probably find it needless and get bored with your letter soon.
- Make sure to include the key argument in your writing, which is what motivates you to apply to the certain position or studying program. If you analyze a good motivation letter example, you will notice that it is persuasive and gives a clear message. This is your goal too: to make the reader believe that you want this position more than any other candidate.
- Pay attention to the opening paragraph. The introductory part sets the mood for the whole piece of writing, so make sure that your opening is sophisticated, formal, and engaging. It should invite the reader to go on through your letter.
- Use a limited number of ideas and arguments. Choose 3-5 points to discuss, and build your writing around them. You can be tempted to list an enormous range of your positive features in a motivation letter for college, but it is better to keep your writing in focus and constructive order by selecting a few brightest ideas only.
- Make it personal. Your aim is to sound humane and sincere. To reach it, share some of your insights, feelings and positions regarding the position you are applying to. It is always a good idea to tell a little personal story about what led you to appreciation of the particular job or institution. Use all the possible tools to make your letter individual.
- Avoid making jokes. They can often sound inappropriate or give a wrong impression about your personality. It is better to find other ways to stay cheerful and enthusiastic in your writing, without the use of awkward humor.
- Do not pretend to be some better person. You should sound natural, and your personality should be seen through your writing. Thus, do not try to sound more official, more sophisticated, more professional, or anything else, unless it is who you really are. Show your real face with its vulnerability, and the committee will love you for who you are.
- Take your time. Such writings as a motivational letter for internship cannot be made overnight: you need to think everything through and spend ample time formulating the sentences and arranging them properly. Thus, do not hurry and write everything in your own pace.
- Read the letter again after a few days. Once you finish writing, rest from it, take a couple of days off, and then come back to it with a fresh view and perception. Then you can revise it, change a few aspects, rearrange the structure, or compare it to some motivation letter example and make some editing.
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Check Our Motivation Letter Sample
Motivation Letter Writing Service
We know that the responsibility of motivation letter writing can be quite overwhelming. Whether you are composing a motivation letter to study abroad or to get a new job, you may realize at some point that your whole future depends on the results of your writing. This idea will most probably make you panic and look for a letter of motivation sample that can be used, which is not what you need for making an exceptional individual piece of writing. If only there was someone who could compose a perfectly professional letter for you! Happily, there is someone who can help: the expert writers at have all the skills and qualifications needed to make a custom motivation letter for any occasion.
If you order a letter from, you can be sure that it will be sophisticated, well-structured, and without any spelling, grammar or format errors. In addition, it will show you from the most flattering perspective, so that the employee would be impressed and touched. With our service, you can count on excellent results.
The Ordering Process of Letter Writing
Ordering a motivation letter from our website will involve you sharing your personal data with us, so that we could use it for the writing. Given this condition, we can assure you that security is our number one priority, and all the information you share about yourself will remain confidential. At, you will register and have a private account, where you can make orders and payments safely. Once you place the order and pay for it, we will assign it to a writer with suitable experience and qualification, and he or she will process with your motivation letter, finishing it according to the deadline. As a result, you will receive a letter of an outstanding quality, which will guarantee your success in applying for a certain position. Make the decision and contact us today!